What Are The Odds In Betting

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Verified soccer odds is one of the most prominent betting advisory websites, if you are interested in making serious profits from your bets then perhaps you are. What are betting odds and how to calculate them. Learn all about decimal odds, US style and fractional odds. Includes odds conversion table.

1) (the odds) вероятность, возможность, шанс

If you drive a car all your life, the odds are that you'll have an accident at some point. — Если вы всю жизнь водите машину, у вас есть вероятность рано или поздно попасть в аварию.

The odds are that she'll win. — Похоже на то, что она выиграет.

What are the odds on him being re-elected? — Какова вероятность того, что он будет переизбран?

- long odds
2) трудности, сложности

enormous / heavy odds — огромные, непреодолимые трудности

Against all the odds, we won our case on appeal. — Несмотря на все трудности. Мы выиграли наше дело в суде.

3) неравенство; разница (между какими-л. величинами)

considerable / great odds — значительный, сильный перевес

formidable / hopeless / overwhelming odds — огромный, сокрушительный перевес

The odds are in our favour. — Перевес на нашей стороне.

What Are The Odds In Betting

He reckoned the odds are against the scheme going ahead. — Он полагал, что обстоятельства против того, чтобы этот проект был приведён в действие.

The odds were always in favour of a South African victory. — Шансы на победу были по-прежнему на стороне команды из ЮАР.

What Are The Odds In Betting
- receive odds
б) спорт. гандикап

The two brothers were always at odds. — Два брата постоянно не ладили между собой.

They're at odds over the funding for the project. — У них разногласия по поводу финансирования проекта.

Blake's version of events was at odds with the official police report. — Предложенная Блейком версия событий расходилась с официальной версией из полицейского отчёта.

It's no good to be at odds with my husband. — Расходиться во мнениях с моим мужем небезопасно.

disagreement, variance
- odds and ends

it makes no odds — не составляет никакой разницы; несущественно

by long odds — значительно, решительно; несомненно

- what's the odds?

Англо-русский современный словарь. 2014.


Explain Odds In Betting


He reckoned the odds are against the scheme going ahead. — Он полагал, что обстоятельства против того, чтобы этот проект был приведён в действие.

The odds were always in favour of a South African victory. — Шансы на победу были по-прежнему на стороне команды из ЮАР.

- receive odds
б) спорт. гандикап

The two brothers were always at odds. — Два брата постоянно не ладили между собой.

They're at odds over the funding for the project. — У них разногласия по поводу финансирования проекта.

Blake's version of events was at odds with the official police report. — Предложенная Блейком версия событий расходилась с официальной версией из полицейского отчёта.

It's no good to be at odds with my husband. — Расходиться во мнениях с моим мужем небезопасно.

disagreement, variance
- odds and ends

it makes no odds — не составляет никакой разницы; несущественно

by long odds — значительно, решительно; несомненно

- what's the odds?

Англо-русский современный словарь. 2014.

Explain Odds In Betting

Смотреть что такое 'odds' в других словарях:

  • odds — S3 [ɔdz US a:dz] n [plural] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(probability)¦ 2¦(difficulties)¦ 3 be at odds 4¦(horse racing etc)¦ 5 it makes no odds 6 pay over the odds ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1.) ¦(PROBABILITY)¦ the odds how lik … Dictionary of contemporary English

  • odds — [ɒdz ǁ ɑːdz] noun [plural] 1. the odds how likely it is that something will happen: • The odds of us achieving our sales targets are very poor. • The odds are (= it is likely that ) selling will continue. 2. difficulties that make a good result… … Financial and business terms

  • Odds — stellen in der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Statistik eine Möglichkeit dar, Wahrscheinlichkeiten anzugeben. Beispielsweise spricht man von einer 1:1 Chance, dass bei einem Münzwurf Kopf erscheint. Mathematisch berechnen sich Odds als Quotienten … Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Odds — ([o^]dz), n. sing. & pl. [See {Odd}, a.] 1. Difference in favor of one and against another; excess of one of two things or numbers over the other; inequality; advantage; superiority; hence, excess of chances; probability. The odds are often… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • odds — [ adz ] noun plural ** 1. ) the chances of something happening: the odds of doing something: The odds of getting hit by a falling satellite are very small. (the) odds are (that) (=it is likely that): The odds are they won t succeed. the odds are… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • odds — ► PLURAL NOUN 1) the ratio between the amounts staked by the parties to a bet, based on the expected probability either way. 2) (the odds) the chances of something happening or being the case. 3) (the odds) the balance of advantage; superiority… … English terms dictionary

  • odds — [ädz] pl.n. [sometimes, esp. formerly, with sing. v.] 1. Archaic inequalities 2. Now Rare difference or amount of difference 3. difference in favor of one side over the other; advantage 4. an equalizing advantage given or received in betting,… … English World dictionary

  • odds-on — UK US adjective ► thought most likely to happen, succeed, or do a particular thing: odds on to do sth »He is odds on to serve another term as president of the Commission. odds on for sth »Next month looks odds on for a further rise in interest… … Financial and business terms

  • odds-on — adj 1.) odds on favourite the person, horse etc that is most likely to win a race or other competition 2.) BrE informal very likely it s odds on (that) ▪ It s odds on that she won t come. be odds on to do sth ▪ They must have felt they were odds… … Dictionary of contemporary English

  • odds-on — adjective INFORMAL very likely: it is odds on (that): It s odds on that Gerry will miss the meeting again. be odds on to do something: Pearson is odds on to play his last game on Saturday. the odds on favorite the person or animal that people… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Odds On — First edition cover Author(s) … Wikipedia


  • Stacking the Deck. How to Lead Breakthrough Change Against Any Odds, David Pottruck S.. Change is a constant, and leaders must do more than keep up—they must innovate and accelerate to succeed. Yet people are often unnerved by change. As a leader during a time of transformation,… ПодробнееКупить за 1821.11 рубэлектронная книга
  • Beating the Odds. Eddie Brown's Investing and Life Strategies, Eddie Brown. Beating the Odds is the improbable, inspiring autobiography of financial guru Eddie C. Brown, one of the nation's top stock pickers and money managers. It details how Brown skillfully kept… ПодробнееКупить за 1817.85 рубэлектронная книга
  • Odds and ends of a learned clerk, being a collection of sketches and plays, Eckersley Arthur. Книга представляет собой репринтное издание. Несмотря на то, что была проведена серьезная работа по восстановлению первоначального качества издания, на некоторых страницах могут обнаружиться… ПодробнееКупить за 1311 руб

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